Talent Development
Improve and develop your employee’s strengths!
Leadership and employee development is a key to attracting, engaging and retaining your best talent. Assessing and measuring your employee’s strengths and skills gap enables you to provide a personalized development plan which engages, motivates and delivers results.
No one is a complete item. We are all work in progress, and development is crucial for all, even the most talented of individuals. The world of work and business is developing at an ever faster pace and the skills relied on until now may not be enough to succeed in the future.
Hodges Advisory Services is passionate about delivering positive people development tools and outcomes. When your business hires the right talent, then it’s important that you make sure their strengths to help business perform at their best each an everyday.
Talent Development is changing!
The process of talent development is changing. The business environment is demanding more collaboration, initiative, drive, analysis, leadership, interpersonal skills and empathy over key capabilities and technical skills. With Harrison Assessments these skills can be assessed at the hiring stage and developed in line with career paths and succession planning requirements.
To support this we provide the following:
Assessment for Development
HATS gives line managers and people management specialists an excellent tool for assessing team members against specific job success factors that identify excellent performance and details specific areas for development.
Development Action Planning
We provide managers with the tools they need to be effective coaches and leaders. With “How to Manage and Retain” advice we provide practical guidelines for motivating, retaining, and coaching individual employees.
Leadership Development
Identify specific traits associated with success and excellence in leadership. Align leadership behaviours with company values. HATS Paradox Technology provides managers with a clear understanding of their own behaviours that will enable them to reduce turnover and become more effective team members and leaders. It also includes a mapping of their stress behaviours and how those impact other team members and employees.
Developing your leaders
Harrison Assessments leadership profiles and Paradox Graph measure leadership competencies very accurately and can be used to select ideal candidates as well as identify high potentials in the organisation. The trait reports clearly reveal specific traits for leadership development either via coaching or work-related assignments. Harrison Assessments offers one of the most powerful coaching methodologies available. Taking the trait development approach you are able to pinpoint very precisely which traits an individual needs to develop to become a better high performing all-round leader.
Team Development
We work with executive and key work teams to discover key strengths and gaps in collective capability and engagement. By mapping the entire team’s behaviours against the key paradoxical principles of leadership, and key competencies we can identify: key team strengths; capability gaps; and overused behaviours. This means teams can immediately start with practical actions for improving team-work and team performance.
Are your Executives aligned?
Employees look to their executive teams for direction. The way the team conducts business with each other and how they relate to others tends to be modelled by employees. This is how a culture is created and why the team at the helm of your organisation needs to be totally aligned. A misaligned team can unknowingly create a culture that makes it very difficult for people to perform and difficult for the business to compete in the marketplace.
An executive team tune-up provides a measure of how well they are aligned and how effectively they work together. If you leave the relationship dynamics of your executive teams to chance, people are likely to experience poor decision-making, personality conflicts, strong differences of opinion and misunderstandings. An executive team alignment, using the team Paradox Graph will reveal the strengths and frailties in your team. It will give them an opportunity to be measured objectively, to make adjustments and ensure they are fully aligned to purpose, strategy and values. Ask us about a tune up?
Paradox Coaching
Using the information provided by HATS powerful Paradox Technology, we can provide coaching support to enable leaders and teams take quick and effective action to improve on key areas for growth and development. We can help you in this area.
A cost effective strategic talent assessment system
As organizations grow, it becomes harder to identify and keep track of your talent. Who are the people who can really drive change? Who are your people energizers? Who has high potential for a key role? Who are your future leaders? Where are they in the organization? The high accuracy and reliability of the SmartQuestionnaire™ for talent assessment, means that you can rely on the data in your Talent Assessment System giving Human Resources a strategic tool to assess and locate talent.
The data set held in the system reflects an individual’s work preferences, work values, interests, personality, attitudes and interpersonal skills. This information is based upon enjoyment theory and Paradox Technology™. The high job success predictability (between 90-95%) is possible due to matching people to jobs that have high levels of enjoyment for them. Each employee is measured against 175 traits, more than 3 times as many as its nearest competitors, covering all the suitability factors for roles in the organisation. In this way talent can be assessed against specific role requirements resulting in high performance and fully engaged employees.
Why we have chosen Harrison Assessments as our development tool?
Harrison Assessments’ Employee Development Solutions empower companies to build a competitive edge through employee development. Even though managers typically have years of experience in their specialized expertise, they rarely have the training or skills necessary to facilitate constructive employee development. However to succeed in today’s competitive environment, companies must continually increase productivity, retain top talent and build effective teams. Harrison Assessments Employee Development Solution provides all the necessary tools to help companies build a competitive edge in this key area.